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Play with hapes

发布时间:2012-03-05 11:25:17 点阅:

  育儿天堂发表了一篇名为《Play with hapes》的育儿文章,感觉对育儿教育很有帮助,重新编辑了一下发到育儿天堂,希望对网友有用。

Play with hapesobjectives(目的): 
1、 encourage the kids to recognize and say the word  
2、 review the words about color  
3、 让幼儿经由过程看、听、说等多感官来领会进修英语的快活; 
4、 创建精良的传闻本领; 
5、 经由过程tpr、游戏等运动,让幼儿在进修外语的同时,生长其动觉智力。 
teaching materials(教具预备): 
teaching proce (讲授流程): 
一、 warm up(热身) : 
 1、tpr:播放律动“play-way to english”幼儿手工制作,让幼儿随同着音乐进入讲堂,并一路做律动。
t: how are you today? 
s: i’m fine,thank you!and you? 
t: i’m fine too.and how is the weather today? 
s: it’s su y/rainy day.  
t: woo… you are so great.you are looking so lovely today.ok,now today i’m magic,and then please look at the blackboard. 
二、teaching new words about shapes:  
1、 经由过程邪术游戏以开仗车的方法逐一在黑板上出示种种图形; 
2、 进修词汇:square star triangle rectangle heart oval;  
3、 q&a:what color is the(square)?幼儿园教育随笔温习相干色彩词汇; 
4、 字汇游戏(一): fishing game 
t:ok,now would you like play a game?s:yes. 
t: let’s have a compotatio if i say the words,you should use this one,fishing the right picture as fast as you can,the first one is the wi er.understand?ok,who can try?ready go. 
t:oh,please look at the picture;who is he/she? 
s: she/he is midi/haley…. 
t: can you gue what are they doing?(请幼儿不雅察丹青后答复) 
what’s i ide?what shape is it?请幼儿上来逐一找出丹青里短缺的物品,幼儿园教案并答复响应的题目,资助温习牢固所学词汇。  
四、游戏(二):make the shapes by yourself. 
 woo…today you are very clever,are you ha y today?now i want to make a circle,let’s make,ok?sing a song“the more we get together.”竣事运动。


Tags: Play with hapes,幼儿园大班

  • run、play football 、jump rope

